In this universe, Steve Rogers is sidelined during Project Rebirth, leaving Peggy Carter to receive the Super-Soldier Serum and become Captain Carter: the world’s first Super-Soldier. Marvel Legends proudly presents this 1:1 scale reproduction of the Marvel’s Captain Carter Shield as it appears throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With series-accurate sculpting and detailing across the shield, this is the next essential Marvel Legends Roleplay item for your Marvel gear collection.
Includes: Roleplay shield.
- PREMIUM ROLEPLAY MARVEL’S CAPTAIN CARTER SHIELD: This Marvel Legends Premium Adult Roleplay Item is 1:1 full scale, inspired by Marvel Studios’ What If…?
- WIELD THE SUPER-SOLDIER’S SHIELD: In this universe, Steve Rogers is sidelined during Project Rebirth, leaving Peggy Carter to receive the Super-Soldier Serum and become Captain Carter: the world’s first Super-Soldier
- SERIES-INSPIRED DECO: With premium deco and design, this shield is detailed to look like the powerful Vibranium shield Captain Carter dons in Marvel Studios’ What If…?
- ADJUSTABLE STRAPS: This roleplay shield features adjustable straps to ensure the wearer is always ready for battle